An ‘Experience Sherbourne’ program is conducted in Term 3, which allows children enrolled for the coming Prep year, the opportunity to come into the school environment, participate in various activities and meet other Sherbourne Prep students and their families. They participate in Art, Storytelling and P.E sessions. Children are accompanied by an adult for these sessions so it is also a good time for those parents to meet and mix.
During term 4, students who are enrolled at the school can take part in our more formal transition program, which is held in the Prep classrooms. This is when the preschoolers learn about how things work in the Prep and Junior school location. Parents drop off the children at the classrooms and pick them up again from the Prep pick up area on the deck.
In addition, we run a Prep Information night for parents. Children can participate in all or just some of the sessions. Year 5 students assist in the Transition sessions. These students will be the Prep children’s buddies when they commence school. We find our Prep students are very well prepared to start the school year.