Grade 6 to Year 7
During fourth term, all of our Grade 6 students participate in a unit focused around ‘transition and change’. This unit is aimed at preparing Grade 6 students for their upcoming transition to secondary school.
At Sherbourne Primary School, some elements of our transition program include:
- Families are encouraged to attend secondary school Open Days and undertake tours with their child;
- Visits from current secondary school students, (generally past Sherbourne students themselves). These sessions allow the Grade 6 children to raise any questions or concerns they may have, in an environment where they feel comfortable and confident;
- Attendance at several activities conducted by local secondary schools: eg Leadership Day at Montmorency Secondary College, School Productions, Arts/Technology Show at Eltham High School;
- Allocated class sessions to develop Year 7 Passports, (work sample portfolios which are required by several secondary schools);
- An Orientation Day in December at each child’s chosen secondary school;
- Graduation rehearsal at a local secondary school;
- Sherbourne Upper School teachers are in contact with all secondary school staff throughout third and fourth term;
- Grade 6 teachers have transition meetings with all future secondary schools.
Each year we survey our past Sherbourne students in regards to the Transition program offered at Sherbourne and how prepared they felt to make the move from Grade 6 to Year 7.